• 2016-12-15
[Graduation Ceremony] Class of 2017 (3)
[Graduation Ceremony : Class of 2015 – 2017]

The commencement ceremony for the Dream Together Master class of 2017 was successfully held in the prescene of 4th batch students, professors, friends, family, and faculty members. 19 DTM 3rd batch students from all over the world earned master’s degrees in sport management at Seoul National University after completing the intensive curriculum provided by Dream Together Master program.

Date & Time : December 15th, 2016 16:00 – 20:00

Venue : Building 12 Room 401 & Hoam Faculty House, Convention Center, 1F, Magnolia Hall

Khau, Matsepo, DTM 3rd batch student and Ilhyeok Park, the Chair of Department of Physical Education at Seoul National University.
Abdallah, Ihsan, DTM 3rd batch student and Ilhyeok Park, the Chair of Department of Physical Education at Seoul National University.

Kim, Woo Ram, DTM 3rd batch student and Ilhyeok Park, the Chair of Department of Physical Education at Seoul National University.
Dubey, Abhishek, DTM 3rd batch student and Ilhyeok Park, the Chair of Department of Physical Education at Seoul National University.

Professor Joonho Kang and Best thesis award winners.

Norkamarul Norzam of Malaysia, the valedictorian of the Class of 2017.
Professors and students listening to the valedictory speech.
Dream Together Master Class of 2017.
Abdallah, Ihsan and her friend at the graduation dinner.

Professor Kihan Kim at the celebration dinner at Hoam Faculty House.