

Global Leaders in International Sport Organization

Maxwell De Silva

Secretary General, National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka

Greetings from NOC Sri Lanka! The Dream Together Master program’s curriculum is very comprehensive which is commendable. In particular...

										“Greetings from NOC Sri Lanka! The Dream Together Master program’s curriculum is very comprehensive which is commendable. In particular, I would like to praise the study methods, experts, international professors’ guidance and availability of the world-class staffs”.                  




Global Leaders in International Sport Organization

Roland Naul

Vice President, Willibald Gebhardt Research Institute, Germany

When I heard for the first time in 2013 about the mission, core value and vision of the Dream Together Master program (DTM) at Seoul National...

										“When I heard for the first time in 2013 about the mission, core value and vision of the Dream Together Master program (DTM) at Seoul National University (SNU), I was very impressed because of the uniqueness of this effort. I studied your program brochure about the interdisciplinary course structure of DTM and the given module topics, supported by professors with excellent expertise in teaching and research. When I visited the campus in March 2014 to lecture as an invited guest speaker, I learned even more about DTM by communicating and discussing with the students coming from Africa, Asia and South America. Qualified students out of these countries applying for a scholarship receive an impressive support of the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism (MCST) and the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation (KSPO). Indeed, the Republic of Korea is giving something back to young academic people in developing countries who would never have a chance to get enrolled in such an academic program at home because of various reasons. This is also a part of a true Olympic Spirit and Olympic Solidarity. I would like to thank and congratulate my colleagues at SNU in doing such a wonderful and really important job to bridge the academic gap for some many enthusiastic students and future leaders in sport administration and sport management. I am sure the DTM students will become good role models for the next generation in their home countries and will be grateful lifelong for the academic support they received from Korea”.                  




Global Leaders in International Sport Organization

Sean Nicholls

President, Octagon Asia Pacific, Australia

I was first introduced to the SNU Dream Together Master program in mid- 2014. At that time, I was immediately impressed with both the...

										“I was first introduced to the SNU Dream Together Master program in mid- 2014. At that time, I was immediately impressed with both the nature of the course, as well as its vision and mission. Korea is the only country that has been able to move from funding recipient to donor, and I believe that this would inspire other countries to make the same transition.

Since the launch of the global sport development initiative, the program has managed to attract candidates from 26 developing countries. This is a credit to both the status of the course and the outstanding reputation of Seoul National University. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to make a presentation to the students last year and was taken aback by the enthusiasm that the group had. Not just to learn, but more importantly, to take that knowledge back to their own countries and to make a very real contribution there.

I have no doubt that the Dream Together Master program will continue to provide a world class education to the students. More importantly though, it will also provide an opportunity to become future leaders and to inspire others in their own communities.

On all levels the SNU Dream together Master program looks certain to be a great success for many years to come”.                  




Global Leaders in International Sport Organization

Barry Maister

Member, International Olympic Committee (NZL)

I write in endorsement of the Dream Together Masters programme at the Seoul National University I have...

										“I write an endorsement of the Dream Together Master programme at the Seoul National University where I have contributed to, and fully observed the first two conferences relating to this graduate programme. There are several aspects of this programme which appeal to me. 

1. The spread of graduates from around the world is impressive. Frequently these countries are those where such graduate sports management programmes do not exist.

2. The programme is based on academic rigour, and best practice management. It is also well led, managed and organised.

3. The staffs involved in the programme are well qualified, and keen to improve the programme by engaging with outside expertise when possible.

4. Programme participants are challenged to use the skills acquired from the course, on their return to their own countries. Thus the programme contributes to the growth of sports management expertise around the world.

5. By working and living together through the programme, the diverse groups of students build up a good 'team spirit', which contributes to their social development as global citizens.

The programme certainly fills a need. The IOC is very keen to invest in the growth of sports management expertise around the world, typically through the NOCs. The Seoul National University has initiated and developed this programme, which is growing in stature and importance. I endorse this programme without any reservations”.




Global Leaders in International Sport Organization

Wilfried Lemke

Former Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Sport for Development and Peace

I had an immense pleasure to visit this well-known university in January ...

										“I had an immense pleasure to visit this well-known university in January 2014 to give a special lecture on Sport for Development and Peace. During this visit, I was able to learn about the excellent program, the Dream Together Master which provides unique academic opportunities to the future global leaders and young professionals pursuing a career in the field of sport administration. I was in particular impressed by the faculty whose vision is to train future sport administrators that can excel in the developing countries. Such vision is as relevant as it can get to my role as a Special Advisor since it is also my objective to widen access of sport to as many people around the world, but in particular for the marginalized children, youth and communities living in the developing countries. Sport and physical activities are increasingly recognized by the United Nations as an effective tool to address issues on education, health and development and contribute to be the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It is my hope that this program will be able to cultivate and inspire future leaders in the world of sport and nurture real talents who are able to seize the true potential of sport to the total benefits of our society. With such remark, I look forward to our further collaboration with the university and offer my expertise”.