

Dream Together Master Faculty


Professor, Loughborough University, UK

The concept of the DTM Programme is highly visionary and ambitious. I am deeply impressed by the commitment of the programme...

										"The concept of the DTM Programme is highly visionary and ambitious. I am deeply impressed by the commitment of the programme, to develop the expertise and skills of young professionals in the sport sector, particularly those drawn from low- and middle-income countries who might not otherwise have the chance to advance significantly their education. The programme has been extremely successful in achieving those aims, and this work is exceptionally beneficial for securing the long-term development of sport in regard to leadership, governance and management. I believe that the Directors of the programme have done an outstanding job in putting together the annual classes of students, and in carefully selecting these students from a global pool of potential candidates.

The result is that, as a Visiting Professor, it has been an absolute pleasure to teach the students on this programme. They are an exceptional group of young professionals who have an ideal blend of qualities and capabilities, in being highly intelligent, talented, motivated, diligent, very energetic, and a lot of fun to teach. The students are also a uniquely global group of young scholars, and this transnational diversity enables a very rich range of contributions, perspectives and interests to be fed back into class discussions and presentations. The Directors have also put together an outstanding programme that is delivered by world-class faculty from across the globe. The programme content is hugely impressive and has many qualities: it is comprehensive in terms of the depth and diversity of themes and issues that are examined; cutting-edge, in addressing fully contemporary questions, debates and research; genuinely global, in engaging with themes and processes that have transnational significance and scale; and, very multi-disciplinary and diverse in methodologies, in its overall approach to teaching and research. The result is that students receive an outstanding educational experience, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to become exceptional national and global managers and leaders in the sport sector over the next few decades.

I would finish here by underlining that I have been hugely impressed by the terrific leadership, planning, management, and delivery of the programme, as provided by the outstanding team of faculty and staff at Seoul National University. It only remains for me to say that it would be a pleasure to continue to contribute in future years to the Masters, as with the benefit of its continued leadership at SNU, the programme will only go from strength to strength."                  




Dream Together Master Faculty

Ian Henry

Professor, Loughborough University, U.K

I write to express my support, and to congratulate SNU for the development of the Dream Together MSc. program in global sport management.

										“I write to express my support, and to congratulate SNU for the development of the Dream Together Master program in global sport management. This is an inspired idea and a tightly defined and designed program which brings together a truly global audience to address key issues pertaining to sport management and policy in our increasingly globalised context. The program has been able to recruit aspiring scholars of outstanding academic and professional potential from a wide range of nations. The program is well thought through, colleagues on the teaching program are all academics of international reputation, and the administration of this program has been accomplished in an efficient manner despite the complexities of global recruitment. I am sure that the program will go from strength to strength and will produce some outstanding graduates”.                  




Dream Together Master Faculty

Packianathan Chelladurai

Professor, Troy University, U.S.A.

It has been a very pleasant experience for me to be associated with the Dream Together Master program of the Seoul National University.

										“It has been a very pleasant experience for me to be associated with the Dream Together Master program of the Seoul National University. I am thankful to Dr. Joon-ho Kang for this opportunity to be part of this excellent program. My experiences in this second year of the program have been even more pleasant and satisfying than in the first year. First, the scheduling of my classes, the class room, the audiovisual aids in the room, the technical assistance, and the help of the staff were outstanding. The office staff and the graduate students were most courteous and helpful. Of greater significance is the quality interactions I had with the students. They interacted with the instructor and among themselves effectively. Their comments and questions were insightful. As I had indicated earlier, I am impressed with the very rigorous method of selecting the candidates for the course from around the world. And the caliber of the students in the Dream Together Master program would easily compare with the students I had had in my more than 40 years of teaching. Once again, Dr. Kang and his associates must be congratulated got assembling some of the best minds to teach in this program. I am proud to be associated with the program and look forward to the continued engagement in it”.                  




Dream Together Master Faculty

Laurence Chalip

Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.

Please allow me to take this opportunity to congratulate you and your team for formulating and implementing the Dream Together...

										“Please allow me to take this opportunity to congratulate you and your team for formulating and implementing the Dream Together Master program (DTM). I have had the opportunity to consult with your team as the program came together, design part of the curriculum, and teach in the program this past summer. 

Frankly, I am very impressed. This was an ambitious undertaking that is unique in the world. The DTM is making a profound contribution to the development of sport internationally, particularly by focusing where graduate educations most needed: developing nations. By bringing together leading international faculty with a visionary curriculum, the program offers the most advanced and cosmopolitan training available anywhere in the world. By bringing together students from throughout the developing world, the program serves international development and cultural understanding. By providing the program in Seoul, the program advances Korea's leadership and its international status. Frankly, I have been impressed by all that I have experienced with this program. The students whom I taught were engaged and insightful. They were clearly benefiting from instruction in the program, as in my class they used what they had been taught previously, as well as the curriculum I introduced.

Most significantly, the exchanges among students fostered an international perspective and appreciation of differences that is rare. I found my time working with these students to be among the most valuable I have enjoyed as an educator. In short, the DTM is visionary, unique, and impactful. I wish you the best for the program's continued success and impact. Well done!”




Dream Together Master Faculty

Jean-Loup Chappelet

Professor, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

I would first like to congratulate you for your appointment as the Director of the Dream Together Master (DTM)...

										“I would first like to congratulate you for your appointment as the Director of the Dream Together Master (DTM) program since March 2017. As you know, I had the opportunity to teach in the DTM program in July 2016 and will do it again in July 2017. I greatly appreciated this experience and met very keen students. We had most interesting discussions after the classes and I am still in contact with some of the students. The program is very well organized by a competent staff headed by Bryce Oh. I believe the DTM program perfectly prepares its future graduates for work in the Olympic and Sport Movement, in view of the coming Olympic Winter Games in PyeongChang, Korea. I strongly recommend this program to Korean as well as foreign students who wish to work in this growing, global Movement. I personally have experienced the DTM program’s professionalism and the enthusiasm of its participants. I also gave a keynote address in the DTM conference which took place at Seoul National University in October 2014 and felt that it was very appreciated by its audience. Knowing the DTM program well, I am confident that it will successfully continue to carry out its mission and improve over the years. I therefore highly recommend it and wish the program full success in the future”.                  




Dream Together Master Faculty

Ian Blackshaw

Professor, International Sports Law Centre of the TMC Asser Institute Hague, Netherlands

Many thanks for your e-mail and kind remarks, which I very much appreciate! Also, sincere ...

										“I am very pleased to comment as follows: I think that DTM programme, both conceptually and in its execution, is excellent and comprehensive, and also sets a very high academic standard. DTM is also to be congratulated on its careful selection of candidates from a wide range of countries and backgrounds to join the programme and this is also a measure and guarantee not only of its success but also its relevance to the international sporting community. I am very proud and honoured to be associated with and to teach on DTM programme!”                  




Dream Together Master Faculty

Barrie Houlihan

Professor, Loughborough University, U.K.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to provide an assessment of the Dream Together Master Programme. My comments relate...

										“Thank you for giving me this opportunity to provide an assessment of the Dream Together Master programme. My comments relate to the curriculum, the distinctive nature of the programme and the benefits for SNU. The DTM curriculum is comprehensive and effectively balances the acquisition of knowledge with the development of the skills necessary to apply that knowledge. Each of the themes introduces students to a range of contemporary issues facing managers working in the public, not-for-profit and commercial sectors. Of particular value is the way in which the themes are tailored to the context of developing countries. Although most academic research and scholarship are based on mature sports markets and industries the research has been used as a foundation for challenging students to consider how concepts, theories and business practices need to be adapted to suit the particular context of their home country. In this connection one of the most impressive pedagogical aspects was the extent to which students stimulated each other's thinking through class discussion and debate. The students demonstrated an impressive capacity for innovative thinking in relation to the challenge of managing sport projects with substantial financial, organizational and, sometimes, political constraints. Finally, the diversity and quality of SNU staff and visiting academics ensures that the students are exposed to the leading researchers in their respective fields.

Across the world, there are several sports management masters programmes and the vast majority are similar not only in broad curriculum content but also in the targeted market. Most aim for an affluent European, North American or Asian market. What makes them DTM distinctive and important is the focus on recruiting students who are generally in the early stages of their sport management career and from developing countries. The nearest equivalent is the MEMOS master which is supported financially by the International Olympic Committee through Olympic Solidarity. However, the MEMOS master's degree is designed to attract middle/senior managers in international federations and other international sport organisations rather than the younger future leaders. As such the DTM not only holds a unique position in the global educational marketplace, but more importantly meets the developmental needs a crucial group of future managers and policymakers in sport.

Although the primary beneficiaries should undoubtedly be the students, there are substantial benefits to SNU.
Not only is SNU generating a valuable global network of students who will, in time, be in senior organizational roles in their countries, but it also has the opportunity to develop a research profile in the neglected area of sport in developing countries. There is considerable opportunity for SNU to establish itself as a global centre for research and expertise in this area with a Research Centre focused on sport in the developing world, periodic international conferences and research publications as possibilities.

Overall, the DTM is a unique programme which meets the educational needs of a neglected group of students and which adds to SNU's reputation as a world-leading university”.




Dream Together Master Faculty

Gertrud Pfister

Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

It was a great honor and a pleasure to participate as teacher in the Dream Together Master Program. I would like to thank you very much for the...

										“It was a great honor and a pleasure to participate as a teacher in the Dream Together Master program. I would like to thank you very much for the invitation which gave me the opportunity to gain insight into an amazing program which will have an impact not only on the participants’ lives, but also on sport politics and policies in many countries.

The qualification of future sport leaders is crucial for the development of sport, in particular in countries which do not have the opportunity to organize such education. It is very generous and an excellent strategy to “give back” to share resources and to invest in the next generation of leaders who will be able to make a difference in their respective countries and environments.

According to my experiences, Seoul National University is the perfect place to conduct such a course which benefits from first rate facilities, the excellent competencies of the staff and the local and foreign experts. I appreciate also the program which provides extensive knowledge in in various fields of sport sciences and I liked in particular the inclusion of sport history, a discipline which allows identifying backgrounds, developments and processes and thus supports insights and understanding.

It was a pleasure to work with the students with their diverse backgrounds and their eagerness to learn and understand. I know that the graduates of this program share the vision of the organizers and I am convinced that the dream of a bright future will come true. With the very best wishes and thanks again for allowing me to be part of the Dream Together team”.