

Global Leaders in International Sport Organization

Barry Maistter

Member, International Olympic Committee (NZL)

I write in endorsement of the Dream Together Masters Programme at the Seoul National University I have contributed to, and fully observed the first 2 conferences relating to this graduate programme. There are several aspects of this programme which appeal to me

1. The spread of graduates from around the world is impressive. Frequently these countries are those where such graduate sports management programmes do not exist.

2. The programme is based on academic rigour, and best practice management. It is also well led, managed and organised.

3. The staff involved in the programme are well qualified, and keen to improve the programme by engaging with outside expertise when possible.

4. Programme participants are challenged to use the skills acquired from the course, on their return to their own countries. Thus the programme contributes to the growth of sports management expertise around the world.

5. By working and living together through the programme, the diverse groups of students build up a good 'team spirit', which contributes to their social development as global citizens. The programme certainly fills a need. The IOC is very keen to invest in the growth of sports management expertise around the world, typically through the NOCs. The Seoul National University has initiated and developed this programme, which is growing in stature and importance. I endorse this programme without any reservations