• 2015-11-30
[Class] Module 9 Human Resource Management in Sport
This module provides various theories and practices related to human resource management (HRM) and organizational behavior in sports.

Date : November 30 – December 04, 2015
Venue : Seoul National University Building 153 Room 411
Theme 3 : Sport Organization & Governance
Module 9 : Human Resource Mangement in Sport
Professor : Doyeon WON (
Department of Sport and Leisure Studies, Yonsei University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA)
May KIM (Department of Sport Science, Korea University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA)

Professor Doyeon WON explaining Human Resource Activities in the first class.

Professor May KIM gave class on Wednesday about Volunteer Management.

Professor saying “Continuous volunteer experiences gives leisurely satisfaction to volunteers.”

Group photo with professor May KIM and students.

Professor giving a lecture to the students.

Students enjoying their class with the professor.

Professor saying “To achieve our vision, how will we sustain our ability to change and improve?”

Group photo of professor Doyeon WON and students.