• 2016-07-25
[Class] Module 29 International Sport Relations
The module provides students with knowledge and understanding of the constituents of effective management of businesses and organisations globally. It examines key management theories and explores their relevance to a range of sport contexts across the world. Case studies and exercises are used to develop understanding of the application of theory to international sport management practice and students will be expected to engage fully.

Date : July 25 – 29th, 2016

Venue : Seoul National University Building 10-1 Room 103
Theme 10 : International Sport Management
Module 29 : International Sport Relations
Professor : Leigh Robinson (University of Stirling, UNITED KINGDOM

Professor Leigh Robinson talking about the International Sport Relations.

Professor Leigh Robinson presenting a concept of International Sport Management.

DTM students listening to the lecture.

The students are having a discussion.

Group photo after the class.

Students taking a picture to remember this moment.