1. How you were able to be part of the Seminar?
Actually, this is my second time participating in Korea Anti-Doping Agency (KADA) International Anti-Doping Seminar which is held yearly by KADA. My first KADA Seminar was in 2021 when I was still a DTM student in Seoul. At the same time, I was really curious about anti-doping due to Indonesia’s victory at badminton’s Thomas Cup was unfairly tainted by sanctions imposed by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). It is prohibited from flying Indonesia’s red and white national flag as they received their medals. Indonesia was non-compliance with WADA back then and it was finally released on February 2023 when I was already part of the Indonesia National Anti-Doping Organization before it was LADI (Lembaga Anti-Doping Indonesia) and now Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization (IADO).

I felt like there was a calling to me at that time. Furthermore, I still remember from the essay that I wrote when I applied for the DTM admission that I desired to contribute to the development of sports in my country, Indonesia.
But besides that, I still remember the day I read the news from DTM about Merey (a DTM student from Singapore) that she was working in the Anti-Doping Organization for her country (until now), seems interesting back then and I said I wanted that too. Seriously.
Believe it or not, right now, here I am… in Anti-Doping life
Then, I started my career here as a general staff. It was in January 2022, right after I came back from Korea. Then on June 2022, I moved to Education Staff in the Directorate of Education in IADO. And on July 2022, I got promoted to the Head of Education until now.
Long story short, I was chosen to go to represent Indonesia in two seminars in a row, two days before went to Busan, I was from Sydney – Australia with the Chairman of IADO for the 2022 WADA Global Education Conference (GEC) https://www.wada-ama.org/en/2022-global-education-conference
And then, I also got chosen to go to represent Indonesia in the 2022 KADA Anti-Doping Seminar in Asia and Oceania with my Secretary General.
Furthermore, going to this seminar was just like a dream come true. I was saying that in 2021 I want to come back again, it’s interesting to be a part of the anti-doping practitioner. Then, here we go…
So I went to take a photo again with the President of KADA when I was in Busan in 2022. It was such a pleasure to me personally.
However, I’m eternally grateful as a DTM alumnus, by being a part of it, I have various opportunities that I have never imagined before. Thank you DTM !!

2.Who did you go to the Seminar with?
Secretary-General of Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization (IADO)
Dr. Eka Wulan Sari, MARS
3. About the 2022 KADA Anti-Doping Seminar (How long, how many people, countries..etc)
Source: https://www.wada-ama.org/en/news/wada-plays-important-role-korea-anti-doping-agencys-international-anti-doping-seminar
It was held from September 28th to 29th in Busan, South Korea.
In 2022, with the theme “Spreading the Value of Sport through the Cooperation of Anti-Doping Organization” it was attended by 81 participants from 28 countries in Asia and Oceania. This seminar was held to contribute to capacity building in the region through sharing information and best practices. It was a significant opportunity for the anti-doping practitioners in that part of the world to come together, build networking and discuss clean sports issues of mutual interest. Besides that, the WADA President, Mr. Witold Banka, and the Vice President, Ms. Yang Yang, also attended and conveyed the importance of cooperation between anti-doping organizations to achieve a joint anti-doping mission and raise the game for clean sport.
4.How you became a part of DTM (Your journey before and after DTM)
Before DTM
I was a professional athlete in Roller Speed Skate since I was 5 years old or let’s say when I was still in elementary school until retiring in 2018.
While I was still an athlete I also started my career as a coach in 2012 until 2020 when I choose to continue my study in Korea.
From my education background, I was studying sports coaching education for my bachelor’s as well as business management also for my bachelor’s and then part of DTM.
I can say my life is just full of sports, as a sportsperson, sports student, administrator, and now anti-doping practitioner.
I’m so grateful that I tried to apply to DTM then my life could be more interesting and more opportunities to come. I have never imagined this before.
But becoming DTM alumni has changed my life. I found that sport is like my life. Furthermore, I hope I can be a role model for anyone outside the world that you can change the world through sport. Perhaps for all the athletes, you can go study as well in the best program ever and you can continue your desire for the sport not always as an athlete but you can still contribute to sport from another part. DTM is like part of a milestone. Not just academically, but I can be a better version of myself, living in Korea with many circumstances, I’m just so grateful. Thanks again DTM.
Written by Natashya Marcellina (Indonesia, 8th batch)