A side story of your life before DTM, your journey to DTM
Dream Together Masters is a program that sport enthusiastic persons should strive for. The first time I heard about the program in 2019 I began to research more about it on the website, social media platforms, and alumni testimonials. It was so attractive and eventually stole my heart, all I wanted at the time was to be part of the program.
Back, in 2013 I founded my Sports Academy called Academy of Hope. The academy’s mandate was to create a platform for young people to nurture their talent, skill, and character through sport. The purpose of running the Academy was because so much ill practice was happening in my community and it affected mostly adolescent youth. My heart was touched and I committed myself to Positive Youth Development through Sport. In 2015, a year after finishing my undergraduate studies, the academy was growing at a faster pace than expected with over 80 kids and young people 10yrs to 17yr old. With no experience at all I saw it fit to learn more about sports administration and seek my first help from the Zimbabwe NOC which by that time only dealt with sports people from National Federation only. However, I had to beg to be admitted to the Sports Administration Course which I was granted, and studied the following:
- 2017 Sports Administration Certificate, ZOC/International Olympic Committee (IOC)
- 2018 Advanced Sport Management Diploma, ZOC/International Olympic Committee (IOC)
Having acquired my diploma, I became so attached with sports administration and in 2019 when I heard about the DTM program, I then applied for the first time and I was not accepted. This pushed me to join the NOC as a volunteer so as to increase my experience and knowledge in sports. My plan was to try to apply for the DTM program again in 2020 and the pandemic came and jeopardized my plan however I attempted in 2021 but I had a missing document, and during this same year that is when I joined the NOC as part of the secretariat. And in 2022, the NOC received a letter from ANOC to submit one candidate to be selected to apply for the DTM full-scholarship. I submitted my document to ANOC and I was pleased to be informed by Mrs. Gunilla Lindberg ANOC Secretary General that ANOC had forwarded my candidature to Seoul National University.
After being selected by ANOC, I had to finish my application process with DTM and I was so happy on 26 May 2022, 6 pm when I received an email from the DTM office with the following phrase “Congratulations on your admission to the full-scholarship Dream Together Master program at Seoul National University.” I was the happiest man in the world. My dream had come true. Any lesson from that? ‘Patience pays, and don’t give up in life, just keep trying”.

- The connection between your career and DTM, and what you seek to achieve through DTM
- Your role as the bridge for Dr. Kang and Zimbabwe NOC.
Since I started the DTM program, my life has changed and so far, it has been an amazing journey. The link between my career and the DTM program is so connected such that it has developed in me a new positive scope regarding how I perceive sports. The curriculum is so full of fundamental themes that every sports administrator must have. This curriculum has and still is shaping me to become one of the best Sports Administrators in the world without a doubt.
Through this program, I had opportunities to connect with a number of great minds in sports administration. I had one of the best opportunities to link up Dr. Kang with Zimbabwe Olympic President Mr. Thabani Gonye at the ANOC General Assembly in Seoul. They had a brief discussion on how the DTM program aims to consolidate international sport cooperation via global networking, as well as the provision of in-depth insight into sports management, serving as a way of preparation for leadership positions in the sports industry. And also, how it seeks to empower young administrators with both theory and practical knowledge. ZOC President was very thankful to the DTM director for the great job they are doing in empowering young minds in the field of Sport Administration.

At the ANOC General Assembly, we also had an opportunity to meet many NOC presidents, Heads of International Federations (International Teqball Federation FITEQ), and Minister of Youth, Sports Arts, and Recreation-Zimbabwe Dr. Kirsty Coventry. This was such a great opportunity provided by DTM to be able to connect with great administrators in the sporting fraternity. Last but not least we had an opportunity to meet and discuss with Eng. Ahmed Abou Elgasim Hashin (Secretary General of ACNOA- ANOCA) regarding future partnership with DTM Alumni – African Games. All these connections would not be made possible if it wasn’t for DTM.
During the ANOC General Assembly, I was able to meet Marius Vizer Jr. the then General Secretary of the International Teqball Federation (FITEQ), and Reka Reichard (FITEQ) Sports Development Manager. With Reka, we discussed the growth of Teqball both in my country and the African Continent as well as the possibility of Zimbabwe hosting a Continental Challenger Series in 2024. All these connections are courtesy of the DTM Program.
Written by Lawrence Kamukapa (Zimbabwe, 10th batch)