DTM 4th batch alumni Deandra Wigati Farnita from Indonesia and Derrick Okpoti Charway from Ghana found more than knowledge at DTM. They unexpectedly found the love of their lives. With Derrick taking a top-down approach whereas Deandra taking a bottom-up approach in using sport as a tool for development, Derrick and Deandra complete each other not only as sport administrators but also has life partners. Let us take a peek into their story and how they tackle the issue of sport development as a couple.
Q : It has been quite a while since you both have graduated from DTM. What were your first impressions of each other? Was it love at first sight?
Deandra: It wasn’t love at first sight. Derrick was always kind to everyone. Every morning before we started class, he greeted almost everyone in the class, including me. So we were just good friends. I think it was his kindness that started everything.
Derrick: “Love at first sight” is just a tip of the iceberg. We started as friends like everyone else in the 4th batch, and then we got to know each other very well. We often spent time together and discussed future plans. One thing for sure was that we were sincere, open, and kind to each other.
Q : If it was not love at first sight, what aspect or what situation made you have more interest in each other?
Deandra: We were good friends. Derrick and I have been working in the same field which was sport for development and peace. We built chemistry through conversation. Derrick is very kind, so it hard not to like him.
Derrick: We had a common interest in the field of sport for development and also noted through our social media platforms that we had mutual friends in the same field who at the time worked with the United Nations Office for Sport for Development and Peace and Youth Sport Trust of UK. The longer chats of discussing the field and our future aspirations were crucial in getting closer and falling in love.
Q : Did you guys ever imagine that you would find your life partners at DTM? When you told your family back home that you found your true love, how did they respond?
Never! Both of us planned to study hard, but we rather fell in love with each other. Our families were also very surprised, but they supported our decision.

Q : So we know that you have a baby! Do you plan on raising your child as an athlete or what sports do you want your child to play?
Our beautiful princess is called Nyala, and she is 9-months-old scheduled to start a sport kindergarten in August, 2020. The intention is to provide her an active early start and not necessarily preparing her for a sporting career. Our duty is to provide an enabling ground and reinforcing her to make her own choices that best suites her ambitions.
Q : Before you started DTM, what were some dreams you had, and how did those become refined as you studied at DTM?
We have both been curious about the use of sport as a tool for development. DTM rather enhanced our knowledge about sport and development even though we take it from different perspectives. For instance, Deandra focuses on managing grassroot sport for development programs while Derrick is concerned about policy making and implementation with sport development.
Q : What are you doing now, and how are you contributing to sport development?
Derrick is researching in the field of Sport, Policy, and Development at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. He hopes to proceed as a researcher in sport. Prior to arriving in Norway where we currently live, Deandra coupled as a member of the UNESCO Youth and Sport Task Force in South East Asia, working sport for development projects and teaching physical education. Currently, she intends to further this passion of sport and youth development programs in Norway once our daughter begins schooling.
Q : Derrick, what research are you doing right now, and can you explain your paper that recently got published?
Derrick: I am currently working on my PhD project entitled, “Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) through Sport? An Analysis of Multi-stakeholder Approach to Policy Implementation in Ghana.” My first published article is dubbed “Country profile of Ghana: sport, politics, and nation-building.” The profile gives an overview of the changing trends of sport policies adopted in Ghana and highlights how past political upheavals made it difficult to have stable sport development strategies. It also highlights the nascent “sport for development” sector in relation to the United Nation’s MDGs and SDGs and how they have influenced sport policy and development in Ghana.
Q : How has DTM helped you in achieving your goals in life? How about each other? How is your partner helping you in achieving your goals?
DTM has been instrumental, and we will forever be always grateful. It has been a success story for us. Working together through teamwork, mutual support, and group presentation was a characteristic feature in our DTM days, and this has been the case for us till this day.
We wish you all the best!