This new experience gave students the privilege to learn about the various ocean sports in Korea such as Wind surfing, Yacht, and Kayak.
Prior to the education, students were provided a safety education on aquatic sports. Then, professional and experienced instructers gave lesson on Yacht and Windsurfing. Though it seems to be complicating and difficult, all the students were able to manage the aquatic equipments, at the end of the lecture.
Steering Kayak and Windsurfing, students has fully enjoyed the aqua activities. Some students even showed off their advanced skill in marin sports, though most of students were beginners.
Through the tour of maritime sports facility in South Kyeong-Sang-do Gosung district Danghangpo, the students were able to learn the theories and applicable skills of maritime sports (dinghy yacht, canoe, cruise, wind-surfing) and were able to familiarize themselves with the maritime sports industry. This opportunity was available for students to understand the current maritime industry, the facility structure and management to gather information to improve current domestic maritime sports.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”867″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]
[Laura and Nahik are taking a pose with sweet smiles before they sail out to the sea]
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[DTM studetns on the yacht : Abhishek is steering the yacht while Nigora is looking around the sea]
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[DTM students and staff are passing by the security compound by kayaking]