[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Anoma Rathnayaka (Sri Lanka)
I would like to inform to you my third unforgettable achievement here and I want to say thank you so much for selecting me to this Dream Together Master Program. I become so proud of myself after finishing this program. It has given me lot of things to bring back to Sri Lanka.
I’m not keeping track, but the record is there for someone to break — 3 consecutive times Group A Women’s Single’s Title at Seoul National University’s semesterly Badminton tournament.
This was my last record at SNU before I go back to Sri Lanka. It is time to say thank you so much to my loving DTM friends at SNU who supported me to achieve this record. I especially want to thank Lisa, Wiena and Kamila for all their support till the end. I will really miss all those heartfelt and thoughtful cheers that they gave to me. I will save them in my heart forever.
“Thank you for everything Seoul National University and Dream Together Master Program.”