Anticipating the commencement ceremony for the Dream Together Master Class of 2021 was nerve-wracking as the constantly changing guidelines of social distancing obscured the arrangement of the event.
Planning the ceremony proved to be an arduous task for DTM staff and students alike, but in the end, the commencement ceremony for the Dream Together Master Class of 2021 was successfully held offline and online with professors and DTM 7th batch students onsite while friends and family tuned in from all over the world on December 18, 2020.
17 DTM 7th batch students earned master’s degrees in sport management at Seoul National University after completing the intensive curriculum provided by the Dream Together Master program.
The offline ceremony was conducted with only professors Dr. Joon-ho Kang, Dr. Yongho Lee, and Dr. YuKyuom Kim and the graduating students to receive their graduation certificates at different time slots due to the government guidelines of social distancing in front of the DTM office.
Students were provided cut-outs of family and friends during the offline event in remembrance of those who supported students for this achievement but could not be present to celebrate this admirable moment.
The online ceremony was conducted via YouTube where speeches from professors and students were aired. The link for the online ceremony is as follows:
Congratulations to the batch that overcame COVID, and though we cannot be together, we will always dream together.