• 2016-09-06
[Class] Module 1 Sport Philosophy & Ethics

This course introduces a definition of sport philosophy and ethics. Students will learn and discuss about the relationship between doping and ethics and money and sports in depth. This course will be helpful to students in terms of understanding the true meaning of justice and fair play in modern sports.

Date : September 6 – 10th, 2016

Venue : Seoul National University Building 153 Room 210
Theme 1 : Sport Humanities
Module 1 : Sport Philosophy & Ethics
Professor : HA, Peter (
Graduate School of Sport Science, Kyunghee University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA)

The first day of module 1 ‘Sport Philosophy & Ethics’.

Professor and students during the Sport Philosophy &Ethics class.

DTM Students listening to the professor’s comments.

The students concentrating on Professor’s lecture.

The s
tudents are having a discussion.

Group photo after the class.